Archives for posts with tag: school to prison pipeline

hey lovies ~

As i mentioned in an earlier post i am currently enrolled in and taking an online training course Beyond Duality: Yoga and Social Justice taught by yoga teachers Hala Khouri and Nikki Myers, as well as many other Amazing guest speakers.  In this course, yoga practitioners and teachers interact through lecture and break out into groups to discuss race, equality and oppression with honesty and compassion.  We are about half way through the course and we are covering extremely sensitive and difficult topics such as Compassionate Communication, Social Justice Basics, the School to Prison Pipeline and Mindfulness, Gender Justice and so much more.  It is a course which challenges each of us in our yoga communities to confront our privilege or underprivileged position, whatever spectrum, and communicate through these topics with compassion.  To discuss and gain knowledge on the systemic problems we have in this country and where we fit in it all as we share our own struggles.

a few quotes from my notes:

~  humble if arrogant,  soften if hard,  always return to love.  ~ Nikki Myers

~  one of the most sacred things we can do is to bear witness to another beings suffering.  we don’t know how to stay with discomfort, stay present.  if we can shift into discomfort,  someone else can shift out of pain.  this is huge in terms of radically transforming space.  ~  Compassionate Communication – Teo Drake

~ 3 ways to Transformation:  Conscious thought – Conscious Speech – Conscious Action.  there is no coming into consciousness without pain.  people will do anything , no matter how how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. one does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness concsious. – C.G.Jung

~ committed to examining our socially conditioned life – to learn a whole new acceptance ~ Nikki Myers

~ social justice – different things to different people depending on where you are – Tessa Hicks

~ we act differently under chronic stress.  – BJ

~ model of Transformation:  Stress management – Self awareness – Self regulation – Healthy relationships = Self Mastery. – B.J  Niroga Institute

~ we hold stress in our bodies, we hold our issues in our tissues, we need to move our bodies.  – B.J Niroga Institute

~ spiritual arrogance in yoga.  – a discussion

A place i’ve grown to love and appreciate  – Niroga Institute in Berkeley California.  The work of Niroga directly uplifts thousands of people every week in schools, juvenile halls, homeless shelters, cancer hospitals and rehab centers.  Here is a link – <;


I recently came across this online course being offered through the Off the mat into the World organization.  So excited to see yoga teachers not only interested but highlighting these topics in conversation, as they are vital topics that affect each of us in our communities systemically whether we chose to recognize them or not.

This course is being offered as a sliding scale, so anyone can join and no one is turned away!  Such a blessing and of course I joined.  It has already begun to transform my thinking and open doors, and the class hasn’t even started yet.  I highly recommend joining this online discussion.  The teachers cannot be beat and these conversations within the yoga community are imperative for our holistic connection to deepening our knowledge about what’s really going on.

Hope to see you online!

Aloha ~ nik